weicai7's Profile on Ping.sg 



Recently been to a blog which reminds me of one litre of tears. It’s about a child call Charmaine who has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma (cancer). For more information on the cancer please visit http://www.cancerbackup.org.uk/cancertype/childrenscancers/typesofchildrenscancers/neuroblastoma

They are currently raising funds and you may visit her weblog to learn more on how you can play a part. Be it feeling for Charmaine, offering words of encouragement, clicking on ads or donating to her cancer funds, we really appreciate if you could take a little time and effort to visit the weblog.

Your encouragement will be a great support for Charmaine and her family. =D


Feisty Char needs bullets to fight!

Mr cai reported ♥

♠ Mr Cai

Nicholas Goh Wei Cai
21st Jan 1985





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